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Michael Milnes of Rochester, MN: Decades of Experience

· Rochester,Dr Michael Milnes,Michael Milnes

Michael Milnes is an award-winning physical therapist with nearly two decades of experience in Rochester, MN. Michael Milnes is specializes in working with athletes and has helped thousands of people from all walks of life recover from injuries, so they can lead pain-free lives. He continues to work with patients after initial recovery to help them protect their bodies for the rest of their lives.

Yoga, veganism, cycling, swimming, running and meditation are all tools that Michael Milnes uses to help his Rochester, MN, patients find health.

“Lately, I’ve added meditation into the mix,” explained said Rochester, MN’s Dr. Michael Milnes. “I prescribe yoga, veganism, cycling, swimming, running and meditation on top of the usuals. It changes my patients and it’s why I have such strong bonds with every one of them. When you show a person the light – their path to total wellness – it’s no small matter. They love you for it.”
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